Cathy Finds Herself

by Cathy (38-N-1 FPE)

Nervously, Harry waited in the father's room, while Mildred was having one of life's most precious experiences, the birth of their daughter, Rachel. But even though the child was blessed with perfect health, they could not name him Rachel. People just don't name little boys that way.

Naturally, my conscious memory does not go back quite that far, but the family album does. In the post depression years. before World War 11, it was not uncommon for boy babies to be clad in frilly dresses. This practice was only subscribed to for my first year, however, I then graduated to short pants with sandals, then to knickers, and finally to my first pair of long pants in the first grade. Recalling this pre-school period, the memory persists that I loved to help mother around the house. My interest was always most intense in the same direction as that of most little girls; cooking, sewing, playing house with dolls, and there was no doubt I much preferred the company of girls.

During this same period, my TV practices started. Since even then it was clear that I identified with the female of the species. I